Saturday, September 23, 2006

EOY is here.

its like oh my freaking gosh!


i haven like. finish all my revision

cause i rawk.


today after physic.

me and charlene went to JE library

and. its cold

i finished preston

and see alot of ppl

im not gonna tell u who.


and william goh

be honoured ur name is here

dun be lame ok.

thats what i want to tell you.


charlene rawk la!

its like.

the library is so cool man.

whats my problem.

im. a. freak.

ok. mental break down.


and that darn MRT

got problem

it stop like 4 time just after it left the platform.

not stop at the station like bukit batok la

its stop in the middle of nowhere between J.E and Bukit batok

its like. oh my god.

im gonna die.



cause i rawk. so i wun die so early.





enough of the crap yuqian

ok. byebye

Thursday, September 14, 2006

1. full name: Tan Yuqian
2. name backwards: naiquY anT [ANT!!]
3. were you named after someone: i dunno. if i am. its someone who rawk. XD!!!
4. meaning of name: DUNNO!?
5. nickname: qian bian.. suko? bunny. -.-
6. screen name: yuqian~
7. D.O.B: 12th MARCH 1992 [ ahaha. bdae present. who owes me one?!]
8. place of birth: i forgot.. thomson or thomas medical centre. DOMSON
9. nationality: Singapore PR! T.T
10. current location: infront of the com
11. star sign: Picese!
12.religion: free tinkle!
13. height: 156cm. its not nice to be tall. xD
14. weight: 38kg.. i noe im light. be jealous.
15. shoe size: 7!! I THINK!
16. hair colour: black... a little brown. INSIDE THE BLACK
17. eye colour: black? i dun see my eyes infront of the mirror
18. who do (people say) you look like: my MUM
19. innie or outtie: BOTH~ im cool
20. leftie or rightie: rightie. both~ im... adaptable. o cool~
21. gay, straight, bi or others: straight. WOOTS
22. best friends: jiazhi,huimin,charlene,geyi,erica,weijie, HOWARD( true fren.XD AHA)
23. best friend you trust most: good question.
24. favourite pals: ziting, LYNETTE, jocelyn, caitlyn + best friends
25. best friend of opposite sex: jie wei, erica
26. best buddies: why do they keep repeating question!? charlene, erica, howard, huimin
27. boyfriend or girlfriend: My STEAD AH!? oh cool~ GEE! my boyfriend!
28. crush: good question x2
29. parents: NICE. but... my singapore IDOL!
30. worst enemy: yea.. tom and jerry. BLEHHS
31. favourite online guy: erica, shuan.. talk alotta.. crap. =.=
32. favourite online girl: i dunno.. XD.
33. craziest friend: charlene.. so CRAZY
34. advice friend:jocelyn. gee. erica
35. loudest friend: CHARLENE!! <----- louder than that
36. person you cry with: =.=.. good question x3
37. any sisters: ONE. younger than me 1 year
38. any brothers: ONE. younger than me 8 years. wow.
39. any pets: Ham ster.. my sister one. bcos it is smelly..
40. any disease: Im So Healthy
41. pagers: wads that?
42. personal phone line: 90600780.. nice no.. so many 00000...
43. cell phone: motorola... L6! not nice. question?: what the hel*
45. pool or hot tub: Hot tube. pool is cold
46. a car: a car that an move. and it looks nice
47. your personality: im.. ok. wadever. i rawk
48. driving: I NOE! arcade tt one. i cant imagine driving on road..
49. room: PINK! but very light pink..
50. whats missing: alot of things
51. school: nan hua high school
52. bed colour: pink..
53. relationship with parents: okay ah. i just got screwed up by them. haiz.
54. believe in yourself: i think so.
55. believe in love at first sight: yea. its kind of. crappy
56. good listener: not really. i just crap.
57. get along well with parents: average la. how many times do u need to ask this.
58. save email conversations: saved automatically one wad.
59. pray: yea. i think so. not often now adays.
60. believe in reincarnation: ya. creepy.
61. make fun of people: rit. i just got to pray im not the one la.
62. like to talk on the phone: not really.
63. want to get married: see first
64. like to drive: im still like 14?!
65. motion sickness: yea. the ship thing. when i need to stay inside for hours..
66. eat stem of brocoli: YEA. vege is nice.
67. eat chicken with fork: when im outside i think. cause its like. cant find CLEAN toilet. need wet tissue
68. dream in colour: got colour la. not the "or-bit" white and black
69. type with your fingers on home role: wad does this mean?
70. sleep with stuff animals: Yea. my hippo and monkey
71. next to you: my mum just entered and look at me?
72. on the walls of your room: im in a green room now. but my bedroom is light pink
73. on your mousepad: no.
74. dream car: i dunno. love at first sight bah
75. dream date: XD
76. dream honeymoon spot: dunno.
77. dream husband or wife: =.=.. too early
78. bedtime: 10 oclock.
79. under your bed: my bed is like on the floor? wad do u expect
80. single most important question: HUH?!
81. bad time of a day: tio grounded
82. your worst fear: see ghost. no money. no phone. no tablet. ppl dies.
83. the weather is: its dark outside. nighttime
84. time: 20:43. omg. cant be. ok. it just turn 20.44
85. date: wads the date today?
86. best trick did on someone: DUNNO
87. theme song: i listen to all type of songs?
88. hardest thing about growing up: studying
89. funniest experience: i really dunno ehh. memory lost
90. scariest experience: being left alone at home. in the middle of the night
91. silliest thing you have ever said: today is world donut day?
92. scariest thing while you are with your friends: when somebody see her crush. she go crazy la
93. worst feeling: when im sick and all that medicine. omg.
94. best feeling in the world: anything i felt is the best feeling..?

Friday, September 01, 2006

HaPPy TeACheRS' dAY!

ok. now award ceremony time

MR LIU! Singing GOD o.O
Hes cool. hes more of a friend than a teacher to us
he rawk. and all that darn complicated maths stuff he taught us to understand!

HAHAHA. hes kind. didnt fail me in exam. cause i wroted dream?!
He Crap alot in class. like you know " Pretty~" charlene. right

He wake us up during his geog lesson after the chinese lesson
Hes up with loads of jokes and crap? HAHA. cool teacher

LOL. I DUN LISTEN in his lesson.
and it can be proven that. u dun pay attention. u got bad results
Chem got 3.5/ 25

SHE is Kind and Caring
A nice biology teacher.
although you only spend 1/2 year with us
the class love you!

Xie Lao Shi
Sorry for ponning ur lesson
we went to repair tablet
she is. not those kind of chase afer ur work teacher
ok. so good lo

Huang Lao Shi
Hes cool too
he communicate with his student
and. i think the ppl like him more than xielaoshi

ok. she call us puppet girl.
i love her alot! shes is. VERY CORAL LA!

Our Lit teacher
her lesson is interesting.
tts all

Shes not the very strict at art lesson
she dun breath down ur neck 4 hw.
she understand our feeling
shes nice

saw her yesterday
still look so young.

but. didnt get to see her yesterday
school close at 2pm
and i reached at 1.48

haha. yesterday i saw loads of the classmate
and i cant recognised HUIMIN!
yea. we met the teacher and went to. fajar mac with a few fren
Yanni, Regina, Ying siew and duh~ HuiMin
we talk for so long la
5 of us. all different school
its like WOAH!
and spent like more than 1hr at the mac
at first we reach there and just talk
then dunno who said. buy smt to eat leh.
then we buy
lol. and we forgot jiazhi

<33 my childhood. haha