Wednesday, October 10, 2007

1. Your ex and you = over

2. I am listening to = Big girls dont cry - FERGIE

3. Maybe I should = stop using the com

4. I love = puremilk since yesterday! :D

5. Chocolate = makes me happy

6. I dont understand = math.

7. I have lost my respect for = eh?

8. I last ate = biscuits

9.The meaning of my display name is = my blog url! :]

10. God = something that live in the sky

11. Someday = i will pass AMATH ( highly impossible )

12. I will always remember = what you said

13. Love seems to = died

14. I never ever want to lose = my parents

15. My Friendster is = stupid

16.Tomorrow I will = go to school!! urgh! :[

17. I get annoyed when = my sister talk to me

18. Parties = TIME TO GO WILD

20. Simple kisses = ..

21. Today I = did nothing

22. I wish = to pass mathss


01. is your hair wet?: slightly

02. is your cell phone right by you?: nope

03. do you miss someone?: no

04. are you wearing chap stick?: huh?

05. are you tired?: sort of

06. are you wearing pyjamas?: -.- i dun own any

08. are you mad?: im mad. yeah. insane

09. are you upset?: NO


01. Recently done something you regret?: bringing my phone to the poolll

02. ever stuck gum under a desk?: nope

03. ever kicked someone?: yeah. yeozhenhao. wooo

04. ever tripped over your own feet?: yes :X


01. cursed?: nope

02. gotten mad at someone?: NO

Q: person who is on your mind right now? -.- <--this
Q: do you have any siblings?: 2!
Q: do you want children?: 2?
Q: do you smile often?: neutral
Q: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: nah. dont bother.
Q: do you like your handwriting?: sometimes.
Q: are your toenails painted?: noooo
Q: are you a friendly person?: dont know
Q: whose bed other than yours do you sleep in?: relative's?
Q: what color shirt are you wearing?: brown
Q: what were you doing at 7pm yesterday?: badminton
Q: I cant wait for: holiday to be hereeeee
Q:Later: tidy room. :\

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