Monday, June 05, 2006

Somebody send me an email 4 this thing so i thought i would do it here...

Normal Logic and reacTion when You see tHe persoN u hated:

1) U hate him/her alot? no.. sometimes
2) Reason why: cause tt person is sickening
3) wad would u do if tt person is infront of u? Nothing actually
4) wad would u do if u are to stay a day wif tt person? wont talk much wif tt person
5) would u tell the person u hate him/ her: depends
6) Do u see tt person everyday? no.. when school is reopening
7) How is tt person infront of everyone else? how would i know.. hypocrite/ fake
8) how is tt person infront of you? how would i know.. same?
9) Would u go to the extend of cursing tt person? When im really pissed off
10) Would there be some day when u stop hatting tt person? when tt person stop being a hypocrite..

Normal Logic and reacTion when You see tHe persoN u loved:

1) U love tt person alot? blehhs
2) reason pls.. i mean theres no reason y u love somebody
3) wad would u do if the person is infront if you? my heart still beats
4) wad would u do if u are to stay a day wif tt person? Im on heaven! ><
5) would u tell the person u love him/ her? depends><
6) Do u see tt person everyday? no.. i wished i could
7) How is tt person infront of everyone else? i cant imagine
8) how is tt person infront of you? how would i know..
9) Would u go to the extend of lookin at the person every minute? NO
10) Would there be some day when u stop loving tt person? i cant guess myself

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