Friday, June 22, 2007

WHOO! im BACK from the camp! =D
L2 rawk can?
i want to stay so much longer for camp!!

L2 have: ms jesse lim, me, geyi, yi leen, yee chin, jeanette, wee xin, kai ler, rodson, dek guan, keith, weijian, jerome, yi shuo, Chan weijie, guo xian and gregory

so the thing goes

18th June
walked to school with charlene
then later the bus set off to port dickson
then on the way me and geyi like damn sian
but then later we joined in the card game on the bus with ms lim yileen yeechin and the guys
the indian poker
then after that so fast reach eagle ranch resort le
so we had lunch!
I love the first LUNCH can! have sotong. =D
after that they want us to build tents. then they all also nvr teach
but we all clever enough.
after that is the boring things like the compass navigation and stuff
then night time we all went for compass navigation in the jungle. LOL!
they can lead us walk over rubbish ground one lor. then its damn smelly.
then we 2nd grp go we last second group go back
so had reflection and supper and LIGHTS OFF!

19th June
had breakfast
then went for obstacle course
the obstacle course got alot ppl with scratches and wound lor
then geyi is cant balance type
then then the 6ft wall
yishuo and dekguan carry ppl up there
then i tio push up le rit.
my body still hanging down there
then i cannot move
then need ppl to push my legs all that then can go down
then the cargo net is damn funny lah
cause dekguan went up then the net haven push to the other side
he suddenly like slide down lah
then we all so shocked. omg. hes falling
then he fell
but his hand is on the top and his legs is on the ground
wahlow. express lah. damn tall can. then all the L8 ppl laughing. HAHA
then got another one is the sit on the log then push to the other side
then they all said that is the father day destroyer
then yishuo went to haolian and say he can finish within 10 sec.
lol. HE DID! omg..

then canoeing then archery
archery is nice!
i got 7 arrows on the board lor. =DD

cause yee chin went up first
then she very scared so geyi and me went first
at first i see the demo i thought i will be damn scared
but then later quite okkay
then the instructor scammed me lor
he say just losen the rope
then i losen until half of my body out there le lor
then i cant go back
so might as well jump. NICE!
i got my face in mr foo camera! HAHAHA

then later we had lunch
next is build traps
then got one is bird trap
ten they caught one bird
so the eagle ranch ppl ask jerome to take the bird
then jerome hold until very tight
then the bird suffocated and died

then later we need to set our own trap then if have thing we need to eat it for that night dinner. pui!
after the trap went to the beach to find shellfish and catch fish for dinner also
then later the grp gt seperated into 2
one grp go and see if the trap have things
then the other one go dig the ground to find the food they hide for us
then YES! we are the first grp to find the hidden thing lor
then we so happy cause its heavy
then we take back open only have vege chilli onion garlic. LOL! [saded]!
then we cook until damn nice lor. nice nice nice. =D

after that at night is they drop us one person in the jungle for 5 mins
lucky my one still can see geyi. or not i cry in the jungle le lor
yea then got lots of mosquitoe bites
finally had reflection supper then SLEEP!

20th JUNE
got breakfast
then have rafting
rafting is super nice lor
cause our grp coordinate by saying 1,2, row! liddat
then in the end it became "we want to row". =.=
then lunch again
and its damn nice again!
then i went to take 3 serving lah
cause its the last lunch in eagle ranch
i loe the first nd the last lunch in eagle ranch!
i MISS eagle ranch!
then we had telematches
its the hula and the shoe only
then the shoe thing will fall down one lor

then we no need to dismantle tents then can go le =DD
bought clothes then go giant buy food enough for 2 nights in the hotel
the hotel is nice
i chiong and kope the double bed
cause i dun dare to sleep on single bed alone XD
then after the reflection we went to bath
then everybody went to guys room and party!
their room darn smelly lor
i wonder how they even take it
then left at 1 plus
and walk out saw mr chee and mr chan patrolling
then we all run
cause mr chee say by the count of 10 we must dissapear.
=D then we when back eat cup noodle with wee xin and jeanette
and geyi started doing her aerobics
then we all do tumble do tumble on the bed.
i cant tumble straight lor... pfft
then yea. we sleep
then must leave the lights all on
cause i scared

21th JuNE

got breakfast
then went for CIP at salvation army
then salvation army is so totally different from singapore one lor.
run down de lor
then still need to take out all rotten wood and reshelf
then got mosqitoe termites and ants! cant stand it lah!
but we all so serious do
then the people so happy =D

then had lunch at local restaurant
then went to d-paradise
so shuang lor
me yileen like sua ku liddat
cause we will "whoo!!!!!" liddat when the buggy go down slope
then got one is lipstick fruit
then yishuo went to put on his face like blusher
and he look like ancient geisha
after that went back to hotel and PARTY!

everybody came to our room cause the guys room really very smelly
from 11 plus liddat
then left at 4 plus
so we played the "zong ji mi ma" and murderer! =D WINK WINK!
oh and cum truth or dare
then we got L2 secrets! =D HAHA ( we're not telling you anything) XD
then the people is not murderer we still thought they are and open the card
then damn luan. but its so nice
kailer rodson yishuo and liwei is the grp jokers lah
their lame jokes damn alot one lor as in very cold
then we skipped next day breakfast to have 1 more hrs of sleep
then jerome so nice. went to our room and press doorbell to wake us up =D

22nd June
LAST DAY! so sad
L2 bond until so nice ler then need to go back
i miss everly hotel! T.T ROOM 550!
then we had city orientation nd went to mini malaysia
ah. geyi keep want to shit one lor
she each day avergae shit 3 times ah. cannot stand it. HAHA
then the hotel toilet so smelly.
then we had lunch
nd thats the first time everybody ate so much
cause its the last lunch in malacca..
then we went back to singapore and yea! we got everybody emails! hp no! =D

p.s! : i got 33 mosquitoe bites on my leg, 2 on my face and 14 on my hand
mosquitoes like having buffet lor
can choose whose blood to drink
high class blood eh. XD

shall post pics later. i want to sleep now.

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