Saturday, March 31, 2007

bleh. i hate saturday and sunday!
i cant go to school. and and. the house is sosososo SIAN!

oh. yesterday after school. me charlene jwee and jeremy stayed back in school. cos theres this fatty who wanted to wait for some jerkface. hmm... then we walked in the school and saw mr chan and his cross country ppl in the gym. so we went into the gym to play the equipment.then later we saw the ncc in the canteen. they are damn funny lor. fancy a bunch of guys laughing between themselves. so funny! then later they seperated to dunno wad the hell unit is it. then they started counting the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. cos got 10 ppl in the front row. then the last person is to shout the longest comand thing. you know all the sekola alike thing. and BARRY is the one who is saying that lah. then the ppl say wann to hear them loud. then barry keep lose voice. zao xia. then i cant stand it and burst out laughing.
then later they do the pumping. LOL! barry and eugene do until damn RETARDED! so gay. XD

then before that during school. first we had bio prac. ok. that was damn nice lor. then adeline ong started poping most of the girls question. lucky i wasnt one of them. cos i think i will just faint there or something. the atmosphere is totally stern. 9 ppl in a lab. wad do you expect. haha! she say mag had improvement! WHOO! then amanda tio suay lah. she is sleeping with her eyes open at that period of time when adeline ong just pop the question in her face. if i was her. i couldnt answer it myself i think. cos. im like. i need to SEE the question. liddat listen one i will miss out lor. then later can play with the iodine test and the benedict test thing. got the fire. and the beaker and the. ok. all the normal stuff. SO NICE. I LOVE PRACTICAL!

then is edmund ng lesson! omg. i love him. ok. random. oh. yesterdat at the parade square place. he ask wads with twj and me. why his nick is like targeting against me. then jwee show her my primary school kuku face pic. then mr ng went those kind of sound when you spurts all the water out of ur mouth that thing. and say actually. it just look like a poodle. HEY! i dun wann to be a dog. and during maths. he miss chiho. HAHA.

then after recess. me and kat went to the dentist. she do first lah. then she so cute. she tell the doctor. i just wann to xi3 ya2 no scaling. then the dentist say scaling is xi3 ya2. then shes like " HAR?! i dun like the sound leh" then the dentist say she should have brought ear plug along. then she do the scaling her leg keep moving one. then i do rit. i need to fill up the cavity. LOL! small hole only wad. then she made the hole VERY BIG! then she stuck this metal thing inside my TEETH! then the metal is like sticking out from my mouth. then kkat see until like. eee. then she put the filling inside. omg. DAMN PAIN! but later she take out that metal thing and i rinse my mouth alot of time then not pain already. she say my teeth is WHITE! =D YAY. so rit. basically. i pon 45 mins of CEP. but. tts stupid lah. CEP LEH!

then during geog. char jwee yihua and kat pon. they went to sleep in the toilet. XD then me and kris and xiang xiang and yanling down there. then we look through 209 class photo. then we zoom in twj pic. then we started laughing. he looks retarded! then cos we see the photo keep laughing. mr tay confiscated it. hence we started gossiping about 209 life. lol.

HAIYA! I WANN TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL! SO BORING AT HOME. and its raining like nobody business. waste water. haiz.


amanda and me looks so random
listen to that song.
you would know..
how i felt

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