Thursday, March 08, 2007

Slept in your bed: MEME!! and my HIPPO! =D
Made you cry: eh. i guess its my mummy!? T.T
You shared a drink with: last person today is... TIMOTHY!?
You went to the movies with: eh.. charlene. follow the rules
You went to the mall with: eh. 312!! char amanda yanling yihua jwee jemimah mag huling kristel suxiang kat sk wangpo haoting barry eugene timotheus rodson weijie timothy howard stella and AI
Sent you an e-mail: is friendster counted?
you kissed: hmm. i cant remember!
Said”I love you” and meant it?: eh. NO!? XD
Been to New York?: NO!
Been to Florida?: NO
California?: NO
Hawaii?: NO
Mexico?: NO
China?: NO
Canada?: NO
Danced naked?: NO!!
Wish you were the opposite gender?: HAHA! I WANN TO BE GAY
Had an imaginary friend?: NO! =D
Red or blue?: BLUE
Spring or fall?: wad thing? i love autumn!
Most reliable medicine?: SMILIE FACE=)
Last noise you heard?: the dog is barking
Things you like in a guy?: i duno
Do you have a crush on someone?: eh.haha?
What book are you reading now?: the geographic thing
Worst feeling in the world: get rejected huh?
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: I STILL WANN TO SLEEP
How many rings before you answer?: huh?
Future daughter’s name: lol. not so far fetched la
Future son’s name: woah!?
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?: righty.
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: wad does it mean? omg. im dumb
Siblings: 2!
Do you do drugs?: NO
Do you drink?: WATER! =D
What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: SUNSILK
What are you most scared of?: LIZARDS. i cry if they are near me
Who is the last person who called you?:charlene!
Where do you want to get married?: ON THE BEACH!
If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?: grow fatter
Favorite number: 15 and 19!
Been In Love?: YES! any defination
What Type Automobile Do You Drive: HUH!?
Do You Have A Job?: no.
Do You Like Being Around People: i supposed.
Are you for world peace: YES!
Are you a health freak: NO! i got sunburnt today. it hurts
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: eh. how i know?
You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did?: eh. yea. i guessed so.
Does Anyone Like You?: YES! amanda do!
And How Many?: 1,2,3,4,5, i cant count. FAIL MATHS
A “Type” Of Person You Always Go After: SOCIALBLE
Do you Want Someone You Don’t Have Right Now:WU ZUN!
Ever liked a close boy/girl friend: YES! HAHA
Are You Lonely Right Now: NO! =D
Ever Afraid You’ll Never Get Married: NO!
Do You Want Kids: I DUNNO
Room in house: MY ROOM!
Memory: alot?! which one do u wann?
Day Of The Week: eh. monday and wednesday! =D
Season: AUTUMN! its cool when everywhere is ORANGE
Cried: no
Bought Something: neoprint?
Gotten Sick: eh. sprained ankle
Sang: yes. anywhere
Said I Love You:no
Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: yea!
Had A Serious Talk: with my hippo! its so cute.
Hugged someone: yes. i hugged HE SHUAG TODAY
Kissed someone: :]
Fought With Your Parents: my mum. i was quarreling with her.
Dreamt About Someone: i dreamt that i was on an mrt with this person and the whole story is weird. like those in the tv serials
originated from amanda blog

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