Monday, August 27, 2007

freak this
i hate exams
i failed 3!! with an "outstanding" 3 F9sssss
im gonna mug now

nd. ARGH! i hate b.lim lah
shit her lah
she weird lah. like to catch ppl's attire

oh. and my mum restricted me on the usage of computer
shit this
i only can touch my com like 4 days per week
how saddening is this!?
i shall NOT touch the com on mon, wed and thur

Monday, August 20, 2007

i FLUNK amaths

Friday, August 17, 2007

ah. at science centre
we never go with howard they all

That is like, a finger puppet. :D

eww. charlene look totally horrible with those refine urhmm

ok. the sign said look into the nose
i wasnt being spastic looking into it

cause shes worst. she went inside the nose

i like this. pretty!

Attention to all with weak hearts
ok. heart problem
nonono. ok. there something to do with heart with alll the pictures below
if you have heart problem
please refrain from scrolling down anymore
what you are going to see
well, may cause drowsiness. blurring of eyesights ( not exactly )
oh. and you get to see the gross side of amanda
(the lead isnt amanda)

the heart show begins
thats a sheep's heart by the way
its a bio practical.. yea.

yea. its being like, cut

being a heart is not good at all
you get stabbed

i hate common test damn damn dammit
i failed emaths
i think i flunk amaths

today got biology
then after the test all the ppl say its easy
but it isnt easy at all. damn
cause i doing until halfway
then i saw lucas they all all not writing already
like finish the whole damn paper le la
then i still have like 5 pages to go on with

then left 10 mins before test end i still have 3 pages lah
ahaha. but i finished. :D
stella didnt finish her paper

then me and charlene still thinking where we want to go after school
huiling and jamie Pangseh me lah
we supposed to go SPCA de lor
then they dun want go already
huiling need to go home
jamie got piano
then me and charlene wanted to go science centre
but then after wards howard eric they all ask us to go queenstown
AHAHA! howard!! eric!
then ashleigh, anlin they all going also i think

Tag replies:
amanda: yes. the heart is damn gross lah. ewww. smelly
kaiying: oh ya lah. u liar liar. still tell me you dun like. aha. but i still love you! :D

Thursday, August 16, 2007

talking to people makes me happy
LOL. random
attention all girls:
pls evacuate from tay kai ying and she claimed that shes a les
she doesnt like flower
bras -.-
soft toys
and stuff
and she likes, football, basketball, and and. i dunno
LOL! shes like a guy! oh man

ok. i shall mug for biology. :D

& drawing smiles make me happy
watching daisy make me happy
talking to people make me happy
listening to 雨樱花 makes me happy
ah. i shall be happy
cause cause cause. ahaha. who said so

I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while [LOL]
i shall be a happy girl
thats when you can hear me laugh
so stop asking me to shuddup bout all the laughter
before you regret not hearing any of it anymore
before i cry again

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

oh damn. and i forgot to mention the biology spa SHEEP'S HEART
and i cant pair with charlene
cause it thought she wun dare to touch it too like me
but eventually she did
but i paired with amanda
i feel like puking thinking of it
cause me and amanda's sheep's heart is like
full of FATS
and im so tempted to cut it all out
but. i didnt touch that thing
its grosssssssssssssssss
i got clean gloves

then after the thing got the soap
then i was like cleaning like the advertisement lah
and im still crapping with mag and huiling how to wash CLEANLY
and mag said "damn you lah. you didnt even touch the heart"
but i took the scissors thingy to cut fats.
THANK AMANDA FENG YING XUAN for cutting that ewww thing

i shall upload amanda and her gross heart later. ahaha!

smilie faces are good for a happy day
my ahyi went to book a 2 badminton court
ok. damn, its the whole court
then almost all the relative went for badminton lah
and i realise. cool. im happy when im badminton-ing :)))))))))))))))))))
cause the only thing in my head is. hit the ball. aha
then they still bring volleyball, basketball
-.- cause got alot of spaces
then everybody is like exercising
and i still have geog test tmr lah

雨樱花 lyrics






the song is damn nice lah!
i dun even know how it looks like

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ahaha. after school today me, jamie and huiling is like talking bout these weird doppleganger thing
so funny lah

the gatekeeper of my brain went for a vacation and a new one took its place
dammit, i shall call the new gatekeeper "sleepyhead"
cause i keep wanting to sleep. damn damn damn

I shall name my doppleganger qianyu
its those thing thats like ur shadow
but its now ur shadow
like ur spirit that follow you and do whatever you do tt kind of thing
then when you see ur own doppleganger, you die
then i was like telling jamie when i sleep
my doppleganger will be squashed up
cause.. it shld always be behind me wad
then jamie say it goes up to the ceiling

bullshit. my body arent functioning
the eyes look at the wrong place
the heart beat at the wrong time
the brain drop dead during exams
i need doc. Feng!!

because you cant hear anything when the musics loud

Monday, August 13, 2007

no time to blog.
damn damn damn
im totally getting killed by emaths
when i saw the emaths questions
i think i want to cry lah
shit this. im becoming a crybaby:D
i love babies!! -.- random
but i want a siberian husky more
i think i was so obsessed to it i used got its picture on my desktop.
i can look at it everyday. love love love

What Hurts The Most

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don’t bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok
But that’s not what gets me

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin’ to do

It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I’m doin’ It
It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

Not seeing that loving you
That’s what I was trying to do

dammit. you know & youre acting like you dont
freak!!!!!!! hmph
[im gonna cry till my eyes pop out]
shit this. i have great sixth sense. -.-
thats not suppose to be a self praise sentence

Sunday, August 12, 2007

i think i was just being scam throughout this few days lah
mugging shall become part of my life
-no connection-

well, mummy smsed me and say my popo fainted as in the other great grandmother who is like 93 year old this year lah.
then its like dammit lah. i LOVE my great grandmother and my grandmother like siao one lah. then i also dno wad i was thinking
i think my brain just stop processing for the next 7hrs plus and the only stuff my body can produce is those stupid liquid that flow out from the eyes
aiya. i doubt you all can feel that
cause i also dno how to describe that feeling
as in you want to tell somebody but you dun feel like telling anybody thing
i so scared lah
then my daddy say tmr then can fetch us to malaysia to see her and stuff

so on this national day
my daddy fetch us to see granny
then she lying on the hospital bed in malaysia
i saw her lying down there then i cry like siao
cause i forgot which idiot told me earlier on shes like dead
so i think from wad i remembered now, i was the only one crying lah
as in not those loud loud cry
then my daddy is like "shuddup lah, shes sleeping"
then im like "SLEEPING?!"
damn. scammed
but i rather i was scammed lah. :D
then at night we go back singapore already

then in the morning my ah yi called my mum and asked her want go malaysia again anot
then my mummy go and decided to stay overnight there and left me at home cause i was having tuition. pfft
so only me and my sister left at home lah
so arnd 3 plus liddat i was damn hungry
so i went to bpp to buy food then i smsed huiling she can go out anot
then she came and find me lah!
then we went to eat mac
and i was totally ranting how much tear gland they have scammed from me
then we talked alot of nonsense aha!
then 6 plus liddat she left

then yesterday when mummy came back
its not nice at all!
she will keep nagging me to clear up the room, study and stuff
boring day

argh. i hate my life

Monday, August 06, 2007

Presenting my fifth love!Ikea

eugene's self proclaim abstract art


damn. i look like madossa
i hate winds

you can stop looking from here
cause this is all zilian of an ugly boy


LOL! i got stalked today lah
i went home then i walking towards my lift
then this guy walk past
but somehow got this weird feeling already
i dno why. sixth-sense!
then i go into the lift and press 6
then the door closing halfway then open again
that guy who walked past just now go in lah

then i so stupid i nvr get out
cause i holding 2 big box
no hand to press open and go out
then that guy like hesitating to press which button
his hand hovered to 10 then never press
then he go stand beside me
so i faster go stand infront
then the door open
he went out
then he stand outside the lift there like dno which direction to go
so i turn my head slightly
then i saw him looking at me lah
then he followed me up the stairs
to 7
then i walk towards the direction of my house
then my house there got like a corner turn thing
then i turn inside
and walk very fast
cause after he dno which direction to go after he got out of the lift
i kind of like feel damn weird
then i so happy cause when i turn into the bend of the corridor to my house
my sister opening the door walking out lah
she going to fetch my brother
then i damn happy i shouted her name
then my sister walk past me and ask me who is the guy
why he pop his head out like looking at you at the bend there
so i faster pass my sister my phone.
ask her take with her
cause i scared she tio stalked too
then she dun dare go. she went back and tell my mum
and my mum chiong and look for that guy lah
cause i remember exactly what hes wearing and stuff

then today i still tell huiling they all i hate guys
im shall be les.

if you kept your promise to walk me home everyday
this kind of thing is not gnna happen
i hate you
and you slut got a gf
d-a-m-n you

Friday, August 03, 2007

aha! days in school are around the same except amanda is not here
so after school we got maths remedial. so stayed back
after school jamie went to meet somebody while i waited for stella with mag phua
and we were talking crap
after stella came then guan zhi walked out of the class and ask mag why she has pimples

then later we took bus to central and stella went home
me and mag phua waited for jamie in the macdonald
and saw this guy wearing there planet hollywood shirt
then theres this another bunch of sec ppl then they talk like abit too loud lah
so the planet hollywood guy like got problem one. as in serious. disease thing lah. mental thing
and he started to say "shusssh! shusssh! x4"
then the sec ppl dno he shussshung them so they hack care
then me and mag went to line up for food
suddenly the Planet Hollywood guy is behind us walking back and forth talking to himself like in chinses "xia si wo le" and stuff. then i was traumatized and hide behind mag.
then after that we sit back to the table and i saw the P.H guy walk to the now standing up sec pplss! and talk something to them then did a most ridiculous thing i ever saw
i dno how to say so you got to demo it to urself
now stand up
put ur right hand across ur body to ur left shoulder
remain in that position and bow down 90 degree
tts what he did after he finished his speech
i totally want to laugh my ass pff lah!
then i told mag and jamie how came later
and both of them laugh like siao too.

after eating mag went home to change. cause she going out after that
so me and jamie went to lot 1
im not telling you wad we did.
and i so love jamie wong lah
i have decided to do what you want me to do today soon. AHA

yeah. then went home lah

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Cristina Aguilera

Look at me
You may think you see
Who I really am
But you’ll never know me
Every day, is as if I play apart
Now I see
If I wear a mask
I can fool the world
But I can not fool
My heart
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
I am now
In a world where I have to
Hide my heart
And what I believe in
But somehow
I will show the world
What’s inside my heart
And be loved for who I am
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection
Someone I don’t know?
Must I pretend that i’m
Someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
There’s a heart that must
Be free to fly
That burns with a need
To know the reason why
Why must we all conceal
What we think
How we feel
Must there be a secret me
I’m forced to hide?
I won’t pretend that i’m
Someone else
For all time
When will my reflections show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflections show
Who I am inside?
ah! i didnt go to school again! darn
i missed history test
and its all cos of this stupid flu. gosh.

i miss kaiying! ziting! mag phua! huiling! amanda! stella!jamie!
i dun miss charlene
see her too much already XD

i shall mug for ss test