Friday, August 03, 2007

aha! days in school are around the same except amanda is not here
so after school we got maths remedial. so stayed back
after school jamie went to meet somebody while i waited for stella with mag phua
and we were talking crap
after stella came then guan zhi walked out of the class and ask mag why she has pimples

then later we took bus to central and stella went home
me and mag phua waited for jamie in the macdonald
and saw this guy wearing there planet hollywood shirt
then theres this another bunch of sec ppl then they talk like abit too loud lah
so the planet hollywood guy like got problem one. as in serious. disease thing lah. mental thing
and he started to say "shusssh! shusssh! x4"
then the sec ppl dno he shussshung them so they hack care
then me and mag went to line up for food
suddenly the Planet Hollywood guy is behind us walking back and forth talking to himself like in chinses "xia si wo le" and stuff. then i was traumatized and hide behind mag.
then after that we sit back to the table and i saw the P.H guy walk to the now standing up sec pplss! and talk something to them then did a most ridiculous thing i ever saw
i dno how to say so you got to demo it to urself
now stand up
put ur right hand across ur body to ur left shoulder
remain in that position and bow down 90 degree
tts what he did after he finished his speech
i totally want to laugh my ass pff lah!
then i told mag and jamie how came later
and both of them laugh like siao too.

after eating mag went home to change. cause she going out after that
so me and jamie went to lot 1
im not telling you wad we did.
and i so love jamie wong lah
i have decided to do what you want me to do today soon. AHA

yeah. then went home lah

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